How to Hydrate Aging Skin Naturally in 6 Ways

How to Hydrate Aging Skin Naturally in 6 Ways

Explore 6 natural ways to hydrate aging skin effectively. Find out how simple adjustments can enhance your skin's hydration and glow.

A mounting body of research indicates that our happiness increases as we age. You know what doesn’t increase as we age? Our ability to effectively hold onto the moisture in our skin—and hydration is essential for a smooth, glowing complexion.

Fortunately, there are dozens of ways to dial up your skin’s hydration and enhance its overall texture without having to rely on complicated products or in-office procedures. 

Here’s how to hydrate aging skin naturally in 6 ways so that you can retain your youthful suppleness and achieve healthy skin. 

Skin Changes as You Age

As a culture, we may bemoan the signs of aging. Yet, not only is aging a gift, but skin transformations are also a wholly natural part of the process. Over time, you may find:

  • Decreased elasticity – The structure and integrity of your skin becomes susceptible to what’s known as elastosis as the years pass by, which typically results in everything from sagging skin to a rough, leathery appearance. This may be exacerbated if you spent (or presently spend) a substantial amount of time in the sun: UV radiation breaks down key proteins in your connective tissue and contributes to skin’s inelasticity.

  • Fine lines and wrinkles – Genetics, sun exposure, smoking, diet, environmental pollutants—all may cause fine lines and wrinkles. And yet, these two skin woes are also simply due to the fact that you generate less collagen and elastin as you age. 

  • Dry skin – Are you noticing increasingly dry skin with every birthday? You’re not alone: It’s prevalent among aging adults. Dry skin is triggered by a diminished capacity to preserve moisture, yes, but also because you produce fewer sweat and oil glands as you mature. At the same time, dehydrated skin can exacerbate the other signs of aging (namely, fine lines and wrinkles) and lead to tightness, flakiness, and scaling. 

  • This alone reinforces why hydration is key. Appearances aside, dry skin can also lead to other, potentially more critical skin issues. Let’s have a look. 

    Common Hydration Problems in Older Adults

    Two of the most ubiquitous hydration problems in older adults include:

  • “Winter itch” – Characterized by dry, irritated, and rough skin, winter itch (or pruritus hiemalis) affects approximately 85% of older adults. The culprit? Indoor heat during winter and a lack of moisture in the air. Winter itch can easily be relieved with home remedies, but it may lead to cracking, bleeding, or infections if it’s left untreated.

  • Asteatotic eczema – Asteatotic eczema is predominant in older adults. Caused by abnormally dry skin, it usually results in red, flaky patches, most frequently on the lower limbs, chest, and arms.

  • Luckily, the right skincare routine—one that prioritizes ample hydration and nourishing ingredients—has the power to alleviate these conditions and dry skin in general. 

    Natural Strategies to Hydrate Aging Skin

    Maintaining the moisture levels in your skin might become more challenging as time marches forward, but this savvy approach may restore your radiance:

    #1. Practice Daily Hydration Tips

    The “daily” here is crucial: Consistency is key to accomplishing your skincare goals. With that in mind:

    • Cleanse your face twice a day with a soothing, gentle cleanser that won’t strip your skin of its natural oils.
    • Wash your face with warm water: Hot water can curtail your skin cells’ ability to hang onto moisture, while cold water may not remove all of the impurities on your skin’s surface.
    • Protect your skin with a quality broad-spectrum SPF in the morning and throughout the day: Sun exposure is notorious for causing (and compounding) dry skin.

    #2. Enhance Product Absorption

    You can use the most advanced, luxurious skin care products available. But without priming your skin for proper absorption, you won’t maximize their benefits. To that end:

    • Apply your first product, whether it’s a serum, oil, or moisturizer, immediately after cleansing: Damp, spongy skin is more receptive to skincare ingredients. (The only exception to this? SPF.)
    • Exfoliate once or twice a week to slough off dead skin cells that may stand in the way between your products and your epidermis.
    • Again, use warm water when cleansing. The slight increase in temperature dilates your pores and blood vessels, creating more space between your skin cells to soak up products. 

    #3. Use Rich, Hydrating Moisturizers

    An outstanding, healing moisturizer is non-negotiable no matter if your skin is excessively dry or extremely oily: Moisturizers help replenish transepidermal water loss (TEWL), seal in hydration, and strengthen your skin’s moisture barrier. They can also enrich your complexion’s overall feel and appearance. If you’re trying to learn how to hydrate the skin overnight, be sure to layer on a hydrating moisturizer before going to sleep. 

    #4. Look for Skin-Hydrating Ingredients

    The right ingredients can make all the difference between parched, aging skin and a dewy, beautiful complexion. Search for products that contain skin-savers like:

    • Squalane
    • Bakuchiol
    • Vitamin C
    • Green tea

    Additionally, avoid products that contain abrasive ingredients and an elevated alcohol content: Both can rob your skin of the moisture you’re trying to attain.

    #5. Apply Face Masks

    Face masks are a boon for dry skin: Not only do they deliver an intense dose of hydration and concentrated ingredients, but their occlusive nature results in deeper, longer-lasting penetration.

    #6. Staying Hydrated

    Hydrating your skin with topical solutions helps usher in a healthier, softer complexion. Yet, hydrating your body is just as important. In addition to leveling up your skin’s moisture, drinking an adequate amount of water may:

    • Boost skin elasticity
    • Help flush out damage-causing toxins
    • Bolster circulation and deliver more oxygen and nutrients to your skin

    Above all, staying well-hydrated is directly related to better overall health—and your skin will naturally reflect this.

    CLEARSTEM Solutions for Aging Skin 

    CLEARSTEM offers the natural, topical treatments you need to take your skin from dry and dull to vibrant and hydrated. 

    Whether you choose our Daily Hydration Duo (which brims with skin-regenerating ingredients like hyaluronic acid and collagen stem cells) or our squalane-infused HYDRAGLOW, you’re bound to find skincare products for dry skin that will leave your skin refreshed. 

    Relish healthy, hydrated skin with CLEARSTEM. 


    Fortune Well. The 3 habits that can boost your happiness as you age.

    WebMD. The effects of aging on skin.

    Medline Plus. Aging changes in skin.

    DermNet. Solar elastosis.

    Better Health Channel. Healthy ageing–the skin.

    VeryWell Health. How to treat winter itch.

    American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. Asteatotic eczema.

    Stockton Dermatology & Aesthetics. The benefits of skin care consistency.

    American Academy of Dermatology Association. How to care for your skin in your 60s and 70s.

    Healthline. Cold showers vs hot showers: which one is better?,-which-type-is-better

    Healthline. What are the benefits of using a face serum?

    Harvard Health. Sun-damaged skin.

    Allure. 8 ways to make your skin-care products more effective.

    Clinical Medicine and Research. The role of moisturizers in addressing various kinds of dermatitis: a review.

    Healthline. What is squalane and what are its benefits for skin and hair?

    Harvard Health. Bakuchiol: does it make skin look younger?

    Penn Medicine. Do face masks really work? The ‘magic’ behind face masks—and how to get the most out of them.

    Westlake Dermatology. Skin health: are you drinking enough water?