Applying Your Eye Cream Properly

Five Simple Steps For Applying Your Eye Cream Properly (Yep, There’s a Trick To It!)

Do Eye Creams Really Work? Here's Everything You Need to Know Reading Five Simple Steps For Applying Your Eye Cream Properly (Yep, There’s a Trick To It!) 18 minutes Next What to Look for In an Eye Cream & How to Choose the Best One for You

It’s been said that our eyes are the windows to our souls. When we’re happy, you can see the stars in them. When you’re feeling down, it can feel as though the light has been drained from them.

And honestly? That’s absolutely the truth. Our eyes are more than just those two orbs that peer out from beneath our (perfectly groomed) brows, allowing us to see the world around us. 

They also provide us with key hints about a person, as well. For instance, did you know that you can tell if a person’s lying or telling the truth, just from reading their eyes?

It’s true. Studies have shown that if you’re a lyin’, no-good swindlin’ cheat, your eyes will give you away every single time. Busted! (Source 1)

On the other hand, what about a person who has lived a rich and full life, filled with laughter and joy? Well, the eyes have it. 

A life well-lived can start to lead to creases at the corners of your eyes. Smile lines, if you will. Also known as “Duchenne markers,” these little lines speak volumes about you. 

When they pop up on your face, you can come across as more sincere. Happier. A better person overall, really. (Source 2)

And sure, who doesn’t want to be perceived in the best light? But here’s the hard truth about it: sometimes the best light… isn’t the most flattering light.

The sad truth is, women who have more wrinkles are regarded less favorably by their peers. For some reason, the public associates “friendly crinkles” as “mean,” “shrewd,” and even “less attractive.” (Source 3)

Uh, hello? You’re gorgeous, no matter what society tells you.

But that said, it’s also totally understandable to want to put your best face forward. And if the way to do that is by applying eye cream, then so be it.

You already know exactly what eye cream is good for, so you don’t need any coaxing from us to start using one. But, before you dive in, do you actually know how to apply eye cream?

(Hint: It’s more than just smearing it haphazardly beneath your bottom eyelashes. There’s a certain art to it, a finesse, if you will.)

Yep. We didn’t think so.

Here’s the thing about the skin around your eyes, though. Unlike the skin on the rest of your body, it’s super delicate and extremely thin.

We’re talking “as low as 0.22 millimeters thick,” levels of thin here. To put it into perspective, an average human hair can be as thick as 180 micrometers -- or 0.18 millimeters. (Source 4 & 5) 

In other words, the skin around your eyes can be as thin as one of the hairs on your head. Not only is it super thin, but it’s also incredibly delicate, too. 

One wrong move, and you can find yourself seriously damaging it. Nope. You don’t want that.

But wait! Like a terrible infomercial you might see on TV at three o’clock in the morning, there’s more. Not only is it extremely thin and delicate, but it also lacks oil glands and collagen, too. (Source 6)

This means that this sensitive periorbital area is also more prone to developing fine lines and wrinkles. It’s like a quartet of “Seriously? Can it get any worse?” all working against you to make you look much older than you are.

If we had to venture to guess, we’d say you’re probably feeling pretty motivated to figure out how to apply that eye cream -- like, yesterday -- to start getting those benefits you’ve heard about.

Don’t worry, though. We’ve got you covered. And by the time we’re done, you’re going to be an old pro at this.

Well, maybe not like, old. But y’know. Wiser, but without the whole “looking older” part of the equation.

You get the gist.

Anyway, you ready to learn how to apply eye cream? Let’s go ahead and dive in!

How to Apply Eye Cream Step-By-Step

All good things in life are worth working for, and that includes adding eye cream into your skincare routine. Now, that doesn’t mean that these steps are going to be difficult.

In fact, they’re a breeze. You may find them to be ridiculously easy and wonder why we’re sharing them with you.

Well, sharing is caring, right? Plus, we genuinely care about you (we kinda <3 you, actually), so we want to make sure you do this right the first time.

Even better, the sooner you get your regimen down pat, the sooner you can start feeling more empowered again. There’s really nothing more amazing than a strong and intelligent person who knows exactly what they want in life and isn’t afraid to get it.

And we don’t have to be mind readers to know that what you want right now is to learn how and where to apply eye cream so you’re doing it correctly. Let’s go ahead and break down those steps now, shall we?

Step 1: Choose Your Eye Cream 

First and foremost, before you learn how to apply eye cream correctly, you need to actually own eye cream. After all, how are you going to use something that you don’t even have in your own home?

That’d be silly, right?

Now, you don’t want to reach for any old eye cream. Before you click “buy” on your investment in your appearance, you’ll first want to take a look at the back of the jar.

To be a good anti-aging eye cream, it needs to meet a few criteria. For starters, you’ll want to make sure it doesn’t have any funky ingredients in it.

See any mineral oil, petroleum jelly, or parabens in it? Send it packing. That garbage has no place being on your face. 

You deserve the best, so be sure to use eye cream with only 100% clean ingredients.

Then there’s the things you do want to see in your eye cream. Nourishing botanicals, stem cells, and peptides are all your friends when looking for the right gel or cream to apply to your periorbital area. (Source 7)

Next, check the benefits of the eye cream. Nobody wants eye cream that’ll dry their skin out. It’s already parched enough, thanks to its glaring (get it?) lack of sebaceous glands.

The best eye cream for your needs will be one that promises to reduce your puffiness and dark circles. It should also help get rid of those crow’s feet, too. 

(They belong at the end of a bird’s leg and not your face, a-thank you very much.)

Finally, it needs to be safe to actually use around your eyes. The last thing you want is to get a nasty chemical burn or stinging eyes due to using the wrong one. Ouch.

Got it? Now you’ve got your eye cream picked out, let’s go ahead and move on to Step #2.

Step 2: Wash Those Hands

Let’s get a show of hands here. How many of you know how to wash your hands properly?

Okay, by the looks of those squeaky-clean digits waving in the air right now, we’d have to say you’re doing a pretty dang good job at it. 

But for those of you who might not be in the know, you definitely want to be sure to wash your hands before applying your eye cream. Why? 

Well, as humans, we’re tactile creatures. In other words, we learn by touching things. (Source 8)

While that’s great for learning, it’s not so awesome for our hands. Just think for a moment of all the stuff you’ve touched today, both the good and the icky. 

(That cupcake you ate after lunch? Heck yes. The door to the bathroom at work… eh, not so much.)

All of those bacteria are on your hands, making it a nice little petri dish for all the bacteria you’ve accumulated. And if you touch your face afterward, you could be looking at a nasty infection.

We’re not just talking about acne breakouts, either. We’re also talking about eye infections, too. Bacterial conjunctivitis is a thing, folks. (Source 9)

So before you apply your eye cream, make sure you wash your hands properly. Use hot water and really lather those hands good and proper.

But before you ask, nope. You don’t need antibacterial soap, either. Just some good old-fashioned hand soap should do the trick. (Source 10)

Scrub your hands for up to twenty seconds to remove the bacterial buildup. One way to make sure you’re doing it long enough is to sing “Happy Death-Day To You,” to those germs. (But set it to the tune of “Happy Birthday,” you know, for funsies.) 

Then just give them a solid rinse under hot water and dry them off with a clean towel. Boom. You’re done. (Source 11)

And now you can officially move onto Step #3!

Step 3: To Pea or Not to Pea

Another important consideration is how much eye cream to use to reap the most benefits of it. When it comes to using eye cream, you want to be a little bit stingy with your application. 

First of all, remember: The skin around your eyes is thin and can only absorb so much- the rest will just mess around and potentially get into your eyes.

That means the last thing you want to do is grab too much. Fussing with the periorbital area will just increase your chances of irritating the site. It also makes you more likely to get some into your lashes, which is super annoying and could make you have to wash and start all over. 

You definitely don’t want that, okay?

Then there’s the other important consideration, which is the strength of the formula you’re using. A good eye cream is going to be incredibly rich and jam-packed with lots of beneficial goodies.

You’re not going to need very much of this highly concentrated product to get the perks you’re looking for. A little bit goes a long way here.

Before you dip your (clean) digits into your eye cream, though, curl that index finger up and set it aside. (But not literally. That would be weird.)

Instead, you’ll want to use your ring finger to scoop up your eye cream. Why your ring finger, though? Because it’s your softest, weakest finger, that’s why. (Source 12)

That means you’ll be more likely to be gentle when applying your eye cream. And we know we sound like we’re beating a dead horse here, but that skin is delicate. The less pressure you use, the better. 

Now you’ve got your finger all gussied up and ready to go, it’s time to apply that cream. Let’s just go ahead and sidle on into Step #4, hm?

Step 4: Just Tap, Tap, Tap It In

This is one of the most important steps in knowing how to apply eye cream, as it can make or break its effectiveness. Let’s go ahead and revisit the point we’ve been driving home since Step #1 here.

Your periorbital area is d-e-l-i-c-a-t-e. Yeah, we know you know. But this is a relevant point, and we’re bringing it up again for a reason.

The last thing you want to be doing is aggressively rubbing that eye cream into your skin. That’s a one-way ticket to irritation, which can quickly backfire and make your eyes look more swollen, red, and irritated. (Source 13)

Another reason you want to tap that eye cream is because it can help increase blood flow to the area. And if you’re wondering if massaging is better than tapping, that’ll be a hard “nope” from us.

According to research, tapping the site -- not rubbing it -- actually leads to better vasodilation. (That means the blood vessels will get wider, allowing for more circulation in your periorbital area. Isn’t science amazing?) (Source 14)

With the extra circulation at the site, the eye cream will be better absorbed. In turn, not only will the cream work better, but you’ll get by with using just a teeny-tiny bit of it. (Source 15)

Continue to just tap the cream around your eye, working your way up to your brow bone. If the cream is safe to use on your eyelids, go ahead and just dab a little bit of there, too. (Psst -- ours is!) This is a GAME-CHANGER, and is part of our expert formulation standards.

Got your orbital bone and your under-eye area all nice and covered? Awesome. We knew you could do it!

But unfortunately, we’re now moving to the hardest step of all. Step #5. Brace yourself, friends, and don’t say we didn’t warn you. 

It’s a real doozy.

Step 5: Play The Waiting Game

Okay, we had you a little bit psyched out there when we talked up how difficult this step was, didn’t we? Sorry about that. Our bad.

But if you’re the impatient type, then this stage is gonna drive you bonkers. However, you can’t skip it, as it’s incredibly important.

You just gotta wait.

If you’re in a hurry, you can wait only about thirty seconds or so. That’s the bare minimum, though. The longer you keep it on, the better your skin will absorb it.

Of course, there’s the other side of the coin, too. You don’t wait to wait too long. Not because it’s dangerous or anything.

But gosh, just standing in front of the mirror and doing nothing? C’mon now. You don’t have to set up camp at your vanity or anything.

The sweet spot you’re looking for is right about three minutes. That not only gives it enough time to sink in, but it also allows you to actually get on with the rest of your life. (Source 16)

If you’re looking for something to do in those three minutes, why not practice your affirmations? Here, we’ll get you started.

You are gorgeous. You are worthy. You are loved.

And you are now the proud owner of a face that looks significantly more radiant, refreshed, and youthful. Oh yeah, and did we mention that you’re smart? 

Because hello -- you’re the type of person to take charge of your appearance and your self-confidence with eye cream. We kinda dig that, just sayin’.

More Tips on How to Use Eye Cream

There you have it. Introducing eye cream into your skincare regimen is as simple as following these five simple steps. 

Knowing how to use eye cream doesn’t require some fancy-pants advanced degree in Eye Cream-ology. Our crash course on Eye Cream Application 101 will do the trick for you just as well.

Yeah, there’s definitely a little bit of nuance to it, we’re not going to lie. However, each one of these steps is very important, so it’s equally important to be mindful of them.

If you’re looking to maximize the benefits of using eye cream, though, please don’t feel like you have to stop with these five tips. There’s a few other things you can do, too.

Curious to learn more? Here ya go:

  • Store your eye cream in the refrigerator. Not only will that feel amazing when you apply it (as the coldness can boost the anti-puffiness benefits) but it’ll also help it last longer, too. (Source 17 & 18)
  • Think prevention first. As nice as a little sunshine feels, UV exposure is one of the worst things for your skin and can lead to photoaging and fine lines. Sunglasses, SPF, and sombreros all the way, friends. (Source 19)
  • Timing is everything. Knowing when to apply eye cream is almost as important as the hows of using it. Ideally, you’ll be adding it before your moisturizer and sunblock, but after washing your face.
  • Follow up with a nourishing moisturizer. If you want to maximize the benefits of your anti-aging routine, a stem cell moisturizer can revitalize your skin and turn back the hands of time. (Source 20)
  • Don’t forget the power of shut-eye. This is two-fold. One, our bodies heal as we sleep. And two, fatigue is one of the biggest culprits in developing a set of luggage beneath your peepers. Sleep = winning. (Source 21 & 22)

There’s no doubt about it. Growing older isn’t for the faint of heart. You gotta have some tough skin (even if it is only 0.22mm deep) to handle it with grace.

As a species, we’re steadily getting older and older, which means that many of us will be spending the majority of our lives with a few fine lines around our eyes. However, there’s no shame in wanting to look your very best at all stages of your life. (Source 23)

Ultimately, living a long and bountiful life is a privilege, and it’s one we can all aspire to achieve. And if adding eye cream can help make you enjoy them all the more, then there is literally nothing wrong with that.

After all, it’s your life and not anybody else’s. You don’t owe any explanations for your choices, full stop.

No matter what life throws at you, you can and will handle them with unwavering grace and dignity. And with a positive outlook on the years ahead -- and a good eye cream as your secret weapon -- you will be absolutely unstoppable.


Source 1: Lyin’ Eyes: Ocular-motor Measures of Reading Reveal Deception

Source 2: Perceptions of Duchenne and non-Duchenne smiles: A meta-analysis

Source 3: Age and Gender Differences in Facial Attractiveness, but Not Emotion Resemblance, Contribute to Age and Gender Stereotypes

Source 4: The Tricky Tear Trough 

Source 5: The structure of people’s hair 

Source 6: Evaluation of the clinical efficacy and safety of an eye counter pad containing caffeine and vitamin K in emulsified Emu oil base

Source 7: Plant stem cells in cosmetics: current trends and future directions

Source 8: Long-Term Memory for Haptically Explored Objects: Fidelity, Durability, Incidental Encoding, and Cross-Modal Transfer

Source 9: Bacterial Conjunctivitis

Source 10: Antibacterial Soap? You Can Skip It, Use Plain Soap and Water

Source 11: When and How to Wash Your Hands

Source 12: Individual finger strength: are the ulnar digits "powerful"?

Source 13: Sports Dermatology: Part 1 of 2 Traumatic or Mechanical Injuries, Inflammatory Conditions, and Exacerbations of Pre-existing Conditions

Source 14: Tapping but not massage enhances vasodilation and improves venous palpation of cutaneous veins

Source 15: Vasomodulation influences on the transdermal delivery of Ibuprofen

Source 16: Efficacy and Safety of an Anti-aging Technology for the Treatment of Facial Wrinkles and Skin Moisturization

Source 17: The medicines refrigerator and the importance of the cold chain in the safe storage of medicines 

Source 18: Cold and compression in the management of musculoskeletal injuries and orthopedic operative procedures: a narrative review

Source 19: Mechanisms of Photoaging and Cutaneous Photocarcinogenesis, and Photoprotective Strategies with Phytochemicals

Source 20: Stem cell therapy on skin: Mechanisms, recent advances and drug reviewing issues

Source 21: Sleep, recovery, and metaregulation: explaining the benefits of sleep 

Source 22: Cues of Fatigue: Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Facial Appearance

Source 23: Healthy Life Expectancy at Age 60: 2000 to 2016