Good vs. Bad Seed Oils for Acne-Prone Skin: What You Need to Know

Good vs. Bad Seed Oils for Acne-Prone Skin: What You Need to Know

6 Powerful Watermelon Seed Oil Benefits for the Skin Reading Good vs. Bad Seed Oils for Acne-Prone Skin: What You Need to Know 7 minutes

Seed oils are everywhere—in our kitchens, beauty products, and even health supplements. However, not all seed oils are created equal! While some cause internal inflammation (think canola or vegetable oil), others can nourish and heal your skin. 

There’s also a HUGE difference between what’s good to put in your body vs. on your skin.

If you’re acne-prone, knowing which seed oils to avoid and which ones to embrace can make all the difference for your skin—and your confidence! So, how can you tell the difference between "good" and "bad" seed oils? Let’s break it down.

The Difference Between Good and Bad Seed Oils

Seed oils come from the seeds of plants, but how they're processed and their nutritional makeup determines whether they help or hurt your skin.

If you are acne-prone, this is crucial because some seed oils can trigger breakouts, while others nourish and protect your skin. Here’s how to tell the difference:

Bad Seed Oils: Processed and Inflammatory

"Bad" seed oils usually undergo heavy heat and industrial processing. They’re often refined, chemically extracted, and exposed to high heat. This process strips away natural nutrients and creates harmful compounds like trans fats and free radicals. These oils are also high in omega-6 fatty acids, which when consumed or applied excessively can cause inflammation.

Chronic inflammation is a major cause of skin issues, from breakouts to premature aging. Studies show that diets high in omega-6 fatty acids, especially from processed oils, can worsen skin conditions like acne and eczema. [1] Inflammation doesn’t just affect your body internally—it damages your skin’s barrier, leading to dehydration, irritation, and more breakouts.

Common Bad Seed Oils to Avoid:

  • Soybean Oil: Heavily processed, high in omega-6 fatty acids, and often genetically modified, it is linked to inflammation and hormonal imbalances, which can worsen acne.
  • Corn Oil: Typically refined and stripped of nutrients during processing, it can increase inflammation and disrupt omega fatty acid balance.
  • Canola Oil: Often genetically modified and highly processed, it contains trans fats and can contribute to chronic inflammation.
  • Refined Sunflower Oil: While unrefined sunflower oil can be beneficial, the highly refined version is stripped of its antioxidants and nutrients, leaving behind a product high in omega-6, making it inflammatory.

PRO TIP: Check your salad dressings! Many store-bought dressings are loaded with inflammatory oils like soybean or canola oil, which could be contributing to your breakouts.

Good Seed Oils: Nutrient-Dense and Skin-Loving

On the other hand, "good" seed oils are minimally processed and packed with skin-loving nutrients. These oils are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and essential fatty acids that help nourish your skin, reduce inflammation, and repair your skin barrier. They're typically higher in omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids, which help balance your body’s inflammatory response, making them ideal for acne-prone and sensitive skin.

Using good, non-comefogenic seed oils within your skin & health routine can help support healthy skin by helping to balance your skin, fight inflammation, fight gut pathogens, provide hydration, and provide protective antioxidants that fight against environmental stress, making them ideal for acne-prone and sensitive skin types.

Common Good Seed Oils for Skin Health:

  • Watermelon Seed Oil (topically & internally): A lightweight, non-comedogenic oil that hydrates deeply without clogging pores. It helps restore the skin’s lipid barrier, supports elasticity, and delivers essential nutrients like Vitamin E and linoleic acid.[2]
  • Flaxseed Oil (internally): Known for its high omega-3 fatty acid content, it helps reduce inflammation and supports skin hydration and elasticity.[3]
  • Pumpkin Seed Oil (internally): Known for its rich content of zinc and antioxidants, it helps reduce inflammation, regulates sebum production, and boosts overall skin health. [4]
  • Hemp Seed Oil (topically and internally): Packed with essential fatty acids and antioxidants, hemp seed oil is excellent for soothing irritation, reducing inflammation, and balancing moisture levels.
  • Black Cumin Seed Oil (Internally): Known for its gut-health & antioxidant properties and helps with a wide range of skin conditions, including acne and eczema. It supports the immune system and helps regulate the body's inflammatory response.

The Benefits of Watermelon Barrier Oil for Skin Health

For acne-prone skin, finding a topical hydrating facial oil that won’t cause breakouts can feel like a major challenge. That’s why we created GOLDENHOUR, a luxurious facial oil specifically formulated for those with acne-prone skin who need deep hydration without clogging pores.

Here’s why GOLDENHOUR is so effective:

Hydration Boost Without Clogging Pores
Watermelon Seed Oil is non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t clog your pores. A third-party clinical study showed that GOLDENHOUR increases skin hydration by 46% after just one use; 97% of consumers reported that their skin felt instantly softer and more moisturized after just one use!*

Restores and Strengthens the Skin Barrier
Prescription creams, harsh exfoliation, and environmental stress can weaken your skin’s protective barrier, leaving it vulnerable to dryness, irritation, and breakouts. GOLDENHOUR works to restore your lipid barrier, helping lock in moisture and keep irritants out.

Stronger skin = fewer flare-ups and we LOVE that.

Reduces Fine Lines and Boosts Radiance
Watermelon Seed Oil is rich in antioxidants like Vitamin E and linoleic acid, which boost collagen production and improve skin elasticity. 100% of consumers agreed their skin stayed hydrated throughout the day and felt even more consistently moisturized after just one week of consistent use.*

Soothes Redness and Inflammation
The anti-inflammatory properties of Watermelon Seed Oil make it ideal for calming redness and irritation, especially for acne-prone or sensitive skin. Sodium Hyaluronate penetrates deeply to hydrate and plump the skin, reducing inflammation and dryness from within.

Supports Collagen Production
GOLDENHOUR is formulated with Vitamin C, which boosts collagen production and helps brighten your complexion. This supports skin elasticity, smooths fine lines, and gives your skin that plump, youthful glow.

Conclusion: Choosing the Right Seed Oils for Your Skin

Not all seed oils are bad, but choosing the right ones is key to keeping your skin healthy and acne-free. Avoid highly processed, omega-6-rich oils that promote inflammation and worsen skin conditions. Instead, opt for nutrient-dense, minimally processed oils like watermelon, pumpkin, and flaxseed oils, which help repair your skin barrier, reduce inflammation, and provide deep hydration.

GOLDENHOUR Watermelon Barrier Oil is a great example of how the right blend of good seed oils can transform your skin. Clinically tested to boost hydration, restore the skin’s barrier, and deliver a radiant complexion, this oil is a must-have for acne-prone or sensitive skin types.


*Based on a third-party 28-day study of 32 women aged 19-69.

  1. Simopoulos AP. The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 essential fatty acids. Biomed Pharmacother. 2002 Oct;56(8):365-79. Link
  2. Petchsomrit A., McDermott M., Chanroj S., and Choksawangkarn W. Watermelon seeds and peels: fatty acid composition and cosmeceutical potential. Link
  3. Fluhr JW, Darlenski R, Surber C. Glycerol and the skin: holistic approach to its origin and functions. Br J Dermatol. 2008 Jul;159(1):23-34. Link
  4. Onset Worldwide: Pumpkin Seed Oil for Skin: Nurturing Beauty Naturally. Link